Coming up with a name for something new is the hardest thing ever.
The sheer number of factors you’ve got to worry about – it can’t be too long, it must also be reasonably self-explanatory. It has to be catchy of course, you can’t have a boring name and wouldn’t it be nice to come up with a nice pun or an alliteration?
I swear, I didn’t think so much about my baby cousin’s name a few years ago as I did for this blog. I’ll come up with a name, fall in love with it, and then progressively hate it a little more with every passing minute until I start from scratch again.
She’s Called Kat evolved from a similar process with a few hilarious brainstorming sessions with two friends, who shall be known as Pepe and Cece from here onwards.
Some things I learnt as a result of this intense laugh riot:
- Take your time. You don’t have to come up with a name in a day. Or even a week. Unless you’re amazing at procrastinating and you literally have a deadline. Then you’d better hustle.
- Don’t push it. She’s Called Kat and some of the other contenders for the name were thought of as a result of random musings and jokes.
- Don’t pick a name because it fits some predefined criteria that other blogs say you must have. You don’t have to come up with the phrase of the century. Sometimes, simple names sound awesome.
- Sit on the name you picked for a little while. You may not feel so great about it after a few hours. Pick a name that you feel good about.
- Don’t get feedback from everyone. Just a few trusted people are better than 20. You can’t make everyone happy.
And with that, here’s some of the stuff we came up with before I settled on She’s Called Kat.
So, when I was brainstorming ideas, I was very clear what I didn’t want. Nothing in a specific niche. No food or travel references. I should be able to write about anything – from digestive discomfort to intersectional feminism. With that out of the way, the blog became much more personal and I naturally gravitated towards something that would have all or part of my name. Disclaimer – my friends and I have pretty similar taste in music so you’ll find lots of musical references ahead.
Me: Sincerely Kat? Scratch that, sounds like a John Green novel.
Pepe : It would be nice to have some alliteration in the name, I love alliteration. Killer Kat?
Me: Would work if this blog were about MMA boxing but otherwise no. On the other hand, I love the song Killer Queen.
Pepe : It’s very Freddie Mercury. I’m gonna try this with all the Queen Songs.
Pepe : Katzonian Rhapsody
Me: Yeesh hahaha. Kat Bottomed Girls. Fat Bottomed Kat?
Pepe : I like! Radio Kitkat.
Me: Radio Ka Ka.
Pepe : You mean this?
Me: I can’t stop laughing. I can’t look at my screen without snorting.
Me: Crazy Little Thing Called Kat.
Pepe : Hey. I love this. It’s perfect. It’s fricking perfect.
Me: Yeah I know, it has the right kind of vibe. Sounds a bit long though. Let’s put it on hold.
[After 2 hours]
Pepe : Such Kat, Much Wow
Me: I love that!!
Cece: Nah, too meme-y
Cece: Who let the kat out?
Me: Hmm, I like it. But it also sounds a bit like a gossip website.
Cece: Bohemian Katstory. Bohemeow Katstory. Hahahahaha. Nah, too hard to say it.
Me: That’s your only problem with that name??
Me: What if it were simpler? That Girl Kat? Nah.
Me. She Goes By Kat? How about She’s Called Kat? I like it. Simple.
Cece: Hmm. Good. Don’t commit though.
Me. I’ll sit on it.
So I sat on it. And two days later, I still felt right about She’s Called Kat. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.
I realise it’s just a blog name, three paltry little words. But writing this, I’m so very glad I didn’t pick ‘Such Kat Much Wow’.
I wrote this post, sitting in a coffee shop about five minutes from my apartment. After 3 hours of daydreaming and a single croissant (which I devoured under a minute), I felt a teensy bit guilty of still occupying my table so I packed up my things and headed home. Which is when this happened.
I was strolling down the sidewalk, minding my own business when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a sheep staring at me. I jumped a foot into the air, looked around to make sure no one witnessed that awkward moment and sheepishly (ha!) inched closer to investigate.

Soaring Heart Natural Beds thought it would be awesome to put two fake sheep wearing shades outside their doors to entice customers. I’m not convinced the strategy works, since I didn’t really bother going inside. I did google them though and it turned out, their marketing department borders on bizarre.
This is what I found:
At first glance, they seem to be selling very environment friendly, organic, cruelty-free, locally sourced, biodegradable products. But that…is a very strange way to stage a bed. Of course, before I could reign my imagination in, I’d already come up with a macabre fairy tale. Here’s how it goes:
“Exhausted, she briefly wonders at the strangeness of finding a bed in a meadow, but the welcoming warmth and softness of the mattress soothes her tired limbs and lulls her into a dreamless sleep. Hours later, she awakens, only to find herself captured, by the enchanted Prince of MattressLand, whose greatest desire is to have a human queen by his side. Buying a Soaring Heart bed turned out to be a good choice for him..”.
Pity I am not on their marketing team, I could’ve sold the beds in a trice with that story. Jokes aside, I’m sure they’re a perfectly nice store and to make up for my teasing, I will include a link to their website in case you want to see more pictures of beds in the countryside.
That’s all I have for you today. As usual, here are the links to some of the stuff I mentioned above:
If this post suddenly makes you want to buy a bed
Leave some feedback, questions and comments and like, share and subscribe to hear more from me!
Very nice. Wel witten. Humorous write up.
Hahaha !! Hilarious conversation you had with Pepe and Cece!!! Love the sound part !! Couldn’t stop laughing 😂
The “bed” part – loved those cute sheep with shades!! I bet they will find a considerable amount of sales after your write up 😃😆
Very good , keep it up Kat!
Very Wodehouse-ian 🙂
So humourous…..waiting for more!!!
Very well written piece. Especially the macabre fairy tale and the “Radio Kaka”! 🙂
Funny! Talking about names, let me share a little something with u as well. A friend of mine here in HK has a thing for bizarre car name plates. Yeah! That is apparently something u can do in HK( or every where). U pay an insane amount of money to the transport department to have a personalised car name plate.
My friend has made a hobby of it over the years & I somehow have made a habit of looking out for these weird car plates. Every time she finds one while on HK roads, she posts it!! Will share one such post in time!
Till then, keep it coming Kat!
That is a brilliant idea! Send me the weird ones you see and I’ll keep an eye out myself and I’ll do a post on strange car name plates then!! (If its legal of course haha)
Ha Ha ! You may consider “Katha’s Kochkochi” ! Jokes apart, I like the “Crazy Little Thing Called Kat” .